
Order It Your Way - Why Pick.A.Roo Is Changing The Way You Order Groceries
Just like the products we offer, Pick.A.Roo also has a variety of options at your disposal during your ordering process, giving you full control over when and how you want your grocery order delivered. Let’s take a look at some of the key features that allow you to order your groceries (and more) your way.

Tips and Tricks to Save Money with Pick.A.Roo On-Demand Grocery Delivery App
Discover tips and tricks to save money on your grocery shopping with Pick.A.Roo on-demand grocery delivery app. Learn how to plan ahead, buy in bulk, look for sales and discounts, buy generic brands, avoid impulse buying, use coupons and rebates, and plan your meals and preparation. With Pick.A.Roo, you can have your groceries delivered to your doorstep, and enjoy a stress-free shopping experience. Download Pick.A.Roo today and start saving money on your groceries!

Premium all-in-one delivery app PICK•A•ROO launches in the Philippines
Premium all-in-one lifestyle delivery app PICK.A.ROO launches in the Philippines. PICK.A.ROO aims to help urban consumers transition to the new normal, stress-free and conveniently. The closed beta version of PICK.A.ROO will be available on August 8, Saturday, for the first 188 invite-only users exclusively. This safe, hygienic, and contact-free delivery service brings only the best brands and products they love straight from the store to their doors.

How to keep your food and grocery deliveries safe
With COVID-19 precautions still in place, it’s only natural to ponder on whether it’s fine to get food and groceries delivered home and under these conditions. Here are a few explanations on what the delivery etiquette is during the ‘new normal’ and why PICK.A.ROO checks all the boxes.

How to clean and disinfect your home properly
While cleaning our home thoroughly to keep it germ-free has always been part of our daily routine, it’s undeniable that the spread of COVID-19 has made us more scrupulous than ever with our cleaning and sanitation practices. Here are our tips on how to do it the right way.